Welcome to the Order of Precedence
page for the Kingdom of Ealdormere! This page and the data therein
is thanks to the hard working TechnoMages of Ealdormere over the past
two years -- Lars Eriksson, Lucia d'Enzinas, Matthaus Lindenhayn von
Schaffhausen, Rylyn Buchanan, Gwendolyn of Aldburg, and Zahra bint
al-Nahr al-Ishbiiliya al-Naariya. Also, thanks to Marie L'Englois
for hosting an interim page while the Technomages chased gremlins.
There are several new features to the
new Order of Precedence software and data -- if you wish your alternate
title to be listed, or if you have an alternate name registered with the
College of Arms, we can note these. There are more features coming
in the next year, hopefully including heraldic images to go with
reports, scroll images, and more. Stay tuned! For those who
want to volunteer to assist, the Order of Precedence exists as a
web-hosted application built on the Lantica Sesame 2.6.4 Database
Platform, with HTML output reports.
Any court reports, changes, or suggestions should be emailed to ealdormere.courtreports@emaildodo.com.
Your order of precedence reports are here: